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July 4 marked the 248th Independence Day of the United States. It was the day when the Declaration of Independence, the document which marked the foundation of the US as a union of states liberated from Britain, was signed.

Source: The Indian Express 

Relevance: GS-I World History 

Prelims Take away: Independence Day of US

Mains Take away:  Causes & Consequences of US Independence 

Why in News: 248th Independence Day of the United States on 4th July 2024

American War of Independence 

The American War of Independence, also known as the American Revolutionary War (1775-1783), was a conflict between the thirteen American colonies and Great Britain. The colonies sought to gain independence from British rule due to various grievances, including taxation without representation and a desire for self-governance. The war ended with the Treaty of Paris in 1783, where Britain recognized the sovereignty of the United States, leading to the establishment of an independent nation.

Role of Enlightenment thinkers in the American Revolution:

  1. John Locke: Advocated for natural rights (life, liberty, property), social contract theory, and government by consent of the governed, influencing the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution.
  2. Thomas Paine: Wrote “Common Sense,” promoting republican government, equality, and the urgency of American independence.
  3. Benjamin Franklin: Facilitated the exchange of Enlightenment ideas between America and Europe, contributed to the Declaration of Independence, and negotiated the Treaty of Paris.
  4. Montesquieu: Advocated for separation of powers and influenced the structure of American government through ideas in “The Spirit of Laws.”

Consequences of the American Revolution: 

Political Changes:

  1. Birth of the United States of America, was acknowledged under the Treaty of Paris (1783).
  2. Replacement of the Articles of Confederation with the U.S. Constitution (1787), establishing a federal republic with separation of powers.
  3. Introduction of a written constitution, separation of church and state, and a system of checks and balances.

Geopolitical Changes:

  1. France regained colonies; Spain recovered Minorca and Florida.
  2. England lost American colonies and faced increased national debt.
  3. Financial strain contributed to the French monarchy’s downfall, inspiring future revolutions.


  1. Inspired European revolutions and promoted Enlightenment ideals.
  2. Demonstrated the feasibility of overthrowing oppressive regimes.
  3. Promoted ideas of individual, liberty equality democracy & globally.
  4. Influenced future democratic movements and constitutional developments worldwide.

How the American Revolution impact India?

The American Revolution indirectly impacted India by inspiring ideas of liberty, democracy, and self-determination. It set a precedent for challenging colonial rule and sparked discussions on rights and independence among Indian intellectuals. The principles of freedom and resistance against oppression influenced India’s later struggle for independence from British rule in the 20th century.

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