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: Kármán Line: Where space (The Hindu , Science II)

Relevance: GS-III Science & Technology 

Prelims Take away: Karman Line 

Why In News: 

  1. Boundaries serve a crucial purpose in scientific understanding by providing clarity and distinction to elements that might otherwise merge. 
  2. One such significant boundary is the Karman Line, which plays a pivotal role in delineating Earth’s atmosphere from outer space 

What is Karman Line

  1. The Karman Line is an abstract boundary positioned at an altitude of 100 kilometers above sea level. 
  2.  Its primary function is to establish the separation between Earth’s atmosphere and the vast expanse of space
  3. Although not universally accepted by all scientists and space explorers, the majority of countries and space organizations acknowledge this demarcation. 
  4. It was formally established in 1960s by the Federation Aeronautique Internationale (FAI), a body responsible for record-keeping. 
  5.  Crossing the Karman Line designates an individual as an astronaut 

Challenges to the Karman Line’s Significance 

  1. Nature rarely conforms to human-made boundaries. 
  2. Physically crossing the Karman Line does not result in substantial changes. 
  3. In the immediate vicinity, there is minimal difference in air pressure or composition. 
  4. Earth’s gravitational force remains influential, and the atmosphere persists beyond this line

Why is the Karman Line relevant? 

  1.  Airspace Regulation: The Karman Line primarily serves as a regulator of airspace. It represents an approximate altitude beyond which conventional aircraft cannot operate effectively. Aircraft venturing beyond this threshold require propulsion systems to counteract Earth’s gravitational pull. 
  2. Legal Reference: Additionally, the Karman Line acts as a legal benchmark that distinguishes airspace, which nations can claim ownership of, from the realm of outer space. Outer space is governed similarly to international waters, emphasizing the importance of this boundary in legal and governance contexts.
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