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Editorial Title: How important is the First asteroid sample?(The Hindu Page No 13)

Relevance: GS-III Science & Technology, Awareness in Space. 

Prelims Take Away: OSIRIS

Mains Take Away:  Asteroid - Its importance & Challenges 

Why In News: 

 OSIRIS-REx (Origins-Spectral Interpretation-Resource Identification-Security-Regolith Explorer) was launched by NASA to study the near-Earth asteroid 101955 Bennu. The spacecraft successfully collected a sample of rocks and dust from the surface of Bennu. 

OSIRISREx’s mission :

  1. The OSIRIS-REx spacecraft was launched in 2016 and arrived at the near-Earth asteroid 101955 Bennu two years later. 
  2. Bennu has extremely weak gravity, which posed challenges for the spacecraft's orbit. It needed to maintain a delicate orbit just 2 kilometers above the asteroid's surface.
  3. Bennu's weak gravity is so unusual that it allows boulders to move uphill on the asteroid, which is a rare phenomenon. 
  4. In October 2020, OSIRIS-REx successfully executed a "touch-and-go" (TAG) maneuver to collect a sample of rocks and dust from Bennu's surface. To prevent contamination, the spacecraft used a blast of nitrogen gas to stir up material for collection. This maneuver was crucial for the mission's success. 
  5. The collected sample was stored in a capsule, and on September 24, 2023, it was released above Earth's atmosphere. OSIRIS-REx then fired its engines to break free from Earth's gravity. 

Why do scientist want to study Bennu.? 

  1. Planetary defense efforts involve monitoring and tracking NEAs to identify any potential threats. While the chances of a catastrophic asteroid impact on Earth are low in any given year, over long periods of time, the probability is not negligible. Therefore, it is important to study and prepare for such scenarios. 
  2. One concern with NEAs is that their orbits can change due to gravitational interactions with planets, including Earth. This makes it challenging to predict their paths accurately over long time scales.
  3. Size Matters: Larger asteroids, especially those wider than a kilometer, pose a greater threat if they were to collide with Earth. Such impacts could have catastrophic consequences, including the destruction of several cities. 
  4. Space agencies and researchers have developed plans and strategies to deal with potentially hazardous asteroids. These strategies include deflection techniques and, in extreme cases, methods to destroy or divert the asteroid from a collision course. The goal is to prevent or mitigate the potential damage from a significant impact event. 
  5. Detecting and tracking NEAs early is crucial for implementing mitigation strategies. Organizations like NASA actively monitor the skies for these objects and maintain a catalog of known NEAs.

Can we mine asteroids? 

  1.  Resource-Rich Targets: Asteroids are attractive targets for mining because they contain a variety of valuable resources, including metals like iron, nickel, and cobalt, as well as water and organic compounds. These resources can potentially be used for various purposes in space exploration and for sustaining future space colonies. 
  2. Water Extraction: Water, in particular, is a valuable resource in space. It can be converted into hydrogen and oxygen, essential components of rocket fuel. Water can also support life in space habitats and provide a source of drinking water. 
  3. Resource Utilization: Mining asteroids could reduce the need to transport resources from Earth for future space missions. This could significantly reduce the cost and logistical challenges associated with long-duration missions, such as those to Mars or beyond. 
  4.  Scientific Research: While resource extraction is one motivation for studying asteroids, scientific research is also a significant goal. Asteroids can provide insights into the formation of the solar system, the origin of life on Earth, and the composition of celestial bodies. 
  5. Challenges and Obstacles: Asteroid mining presents numerous technical challenges. Asteroids typically have very low gravity, no atmosphere, and are exposed to high levels of radiation. These conditions make mining operations and resource extraction more complex than on Earth. Developing the technology and infrastructure for asteroid mining is a significant undertaking. 
  6. Legal and Ethical Considerations: The legal framework for asteroid mining is still evolving, with international agreements and regulations being developed. Ethical questions also arise, including concerns about potential environmental impacts and the equitable distribution of space resources. 
  7. Exploration Missions: Prior to large-scale mining operations, space agencies and organizations are conducting exploration missions to study and characterize potential asteroid targets. These missions, like Hayabusa and OSIRIS-REx, are collecting valuable data and samples that can inform future mining efforts


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